Baptism Preparation


Baptism is the foundation of our Christian life, at which time your child is freed from sin and he/she becomes a member of Christ. Baptisms are offered from infancy to age 7.

Click here for more detailed information about baptisms at Our Lady of Hope.

Our Lady of Hope Rectory

First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation is combined with preparation for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Baptized children in the 2nd grade would attend religious education classes.


Peg Mincher, Director(Our Lady of Hope)

First Communion

Our children continue preparation to receive First Communion. Classes are held on Sundays from 9:30 – 10:45 AM at Our Lady of Hope from September through April. There is a Saturday afternoon workshop and retreat required for the program. Adults are needed to help with catechesis and as classroom aides throughout the year. Celebration of First Communion is held in May.

Peg Mincher, Director (Our Lady of Hope)


This exciting year-long ministry prepares all candidates to receive the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation includes classes, small group sessions, service projects and a retreat. Teens are sponsored and mentored through the study of how real life issues impact their life-long faith journey and beliefs. Adults and mature teens are a vital part of this ministry as candidate sponsors, retreat leaders and teachers. Celebration of Confirmation is usually in May or June.

Peg Mincher, Director (Our Lady of Hope)

Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children and Teens

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children is the process designed to prepare children grades 2 through 5 who have not celebrated the sacraments. Class is geared to breaking open the Word and providing instruction in the Catholic faith. Classes meet on Sunday from 9:30AM to 10:45AM. Individuals are needed as teachers and sponsors.

Teens are guided through their conversion to Catholicism with their age-appropriate peers.They gather 1 -2 days a week for one year as well as a day long retreat experience. Great satisfaction is experienced being part of the team that facilitates the discovery of a new found faith for today’s youth.

Peg Mincher, Director (Our Lady of Hope)

Marriage Preparation

Holy Matrimony

Meetings with the Pastor and the engaged couple are scheduled in advance. Adequate time is given to discuss topics such as communication, children, finances, etc. in preparing for a spiritually informed and faith focused commitment to the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Our Lady of Hope Rectory

Sacramental Preparation for Adults

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a mentoring, sponsoring, educating and witnessing ministry to all interested in the Catholic faith and joining the Church. We journey with catechumens and candidates as they prepare to receive the sacraments and continue to journey with them as a community of faith. This involves faith sharing, welcoming, listening to their stories, teaching catechetical sessions, and sharing scriptures, sponsoring, preparing rites, introducing candidates to parish ministries and encouraging involvement in community Sessions generally occur year round. This is an exciting ministry to participate in as individuals choosing the Catholic faith prepare for the culmination of their journey at the Easter Vigil.

Pat John and Dale Aske
